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How to predict a habitat

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Posts: 13
# 09.08.2024 - 08:12:23

In total, the team gathered 89 hours of animal-borne video. The researchers identified six benthic habitats: macroalgae reef, macroalgae meadow, bare sand, sponge/sand, invertebrate reefs, and invertebrate boulders.Cosplay Sexpuppen

Back on dry land, the team used machine learning models to predict the large habitat areas across the continental shelf of southern Australia. They did this by incorporating data on oceanographic and environmental factors collected over 21 years into the models. These factors may be important drivers of the structure and distribution of these habitats.Fantasy Sexpuppen

[Related: Scientists strapped tiny cameras to beetles to get a bug’s-eye view of the world.]

“The sea lions from both locations covered quite broad areas around the colonies. In our calculations, we kept the area in which we predicted habitats small to maximize the precision of our predictions,” Angelakis said. “This allowed us to model benthic habitats across more than 5,000 square km [1,930 square miles] of the continental shelf.”Young Sex Dolls

Sea lion vision
The Sea lion cams also filmed different habitats than in some of the previously mapped regions of South Australia. The pinnipeds may not use or swim through certain habitats or have a preference for some areas over others. The researchers also point out that some of the regions may have been missed.Japanische Sexpuppen

However, the footage still fills in some knowledge gaps about the seabeds, while providing critical information about endangered marine species. Marine populations declined by more than 60 percent over the past 40 years. This method can also be used to survey and assess other marine species of interest that the sea lions caught on camera.Schwarze Sexpuppen

According to the team, assessing a marine environment from a predator’s perspective instead of a human’s can improve our understanding of the benthic environment and develop a more complete map of the seabed.
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